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Quick tips on how to get more followers on Pinterest

by | Nov 25, 2015 | Online Marketing, Social Media | 0 comments

How to get more repins, likes and followers on Pinterest.

Do you sit and stare at your Pinterest account and wonder why you are not getting many followers? You have added the “pin it” button to your website and still nothing? Here are a few tips to help increase those followers in no time.

  1. Repins and comments

The most repinned and commented on items are accompanied by descriptions with 200-310 words. This happens because people use Pinterest for information and when the descriptions are informative and helpful, it attracts more repins and comments.

Pins that go viral are visually startling, unique, funny (this tends to please any crowd for any target market) or helpful. Infographics also rock on Pinterest. If applicable, pin DIY projects and recipes to increase engagement on your Pinterest account.

When looking for images to pin, do your best to choose images with the highest numbers of repins for the most obvious reasons – that is what Pinterest users are digging!

  1. Language used

Using language that your customers and target audience can relate to will help grow your followers. This is because customers like to feel as if they are in the same level as the business or company providing them with a product or service. If you are using industry specific jargon that the common shopper does not understand that you have lost them for good. Your brand message will be lost on them.

  1. Size and layout of pins

Make an effort to re-size your pins to 735 in width. Taller images have a distinct advantage of being repinned. This is because taller images take up more space on the board than regular sized pins making them easier to see and more appealing to repin.

  1. Hashtags on Pinterest

Be cautious when using hashtags on Pinterest, focus on using keywords instead. When using hashtags, create a unique hashtag for your business that no one else is using. Every time you click on that hashtag you are taking the Pinner somewhere else. Make sure they are going to your content and not someone else’s.

  1. Verification of pins and links

Do you want to know which of your pins are working for you? If you haven’t verified your site I suggest you do so in order to receive emails that Pinterest sends you called “PINTEREST WEEKLY” which reveals your most popular pins of the week.  This will give you an indication of what pins your followers are repining, which pins are most popular and what type of images to pin to increase engagement.

  1. Be helpful with your pins

Write with the mindset of helping people. Posting detailed, creative and helpful pins that depict ways people can use your product or service to improve the quality of their lives will increase engagement and repins.

  1. Businesses without a product.

As a business who offers a service and not a product, you might be sitting there thinking that Pinterest is not for you. I encourage you to build your brand by sharing images of your office, employees, company outings and any helpful or interesting content. You can post these images on your website, pin them to your Pinterest boards with your company link and a description. This will then create a back link to your website resulting in a better SEO and more web traffic resulting in better brand awareness.

  1. Call-to-action

Ask people to take action in your pin descriptions. Calls to action lead to an 80% increase in engagement. Edit your description to include a full link, NEVER use Bitly as Pinterest is known to mark pins containing shortened links as spam. This CTA will tell people where you want them to go once they have repinned your pin or even where to go to get more information on the pin they repinned.

Pinterest – Pin It!

  1. Increase pin popularity

Upload pins related to trending topics such as holidays, awareness month, new season, and so forth. Get Product Rich Pins so that your pins appear in the gift category. This will increase brand awareness and get pinners to consider your product when purchasing gifts over the festive and holiday seasons.

These are just a few of the many tips available to help increase followers on what is possibly becoming the favourite visual social media platform. What are you waiting for? Go on and follow these tips and watch how your Pinterest followers increase.

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Unpacking businesses and then creating elegant digital solutions is a passion. I actually can’t help myself at times, analysing people’s business and creating answers to questions they have not even asked.

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