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What type of website is right for your business

by | Mar 3, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Every business needs a website. A website represents your online identity, a channel that helps customers from all around the world connect with you. Depending on the nature of your business, you need to get the right type of website. For example, not every layout and feature is suitable for an e-commerce website. To help you get the proper setup and connect with your clients, let’s discuss what type of website is right for your business.

Elements that define your website

The first step in understanding what type of website is adequate for you is to see what elements define it. You need to focus on:

  • the purpose of the website;
  • features and required pages;
  • type of service;

By defining these three elements, you will be able to easily pick the suitable layout and the type of your website.

What types of a website exist?

Here are the types of websites you can choose from:

  • homepages;
  • e-commerce;
  • magazine websites;
  • portfolio websites;
  • blogs;
  • landing pages;
  • contact pages and directories;
  • social media websites;

Let’s discuss each of these types, and see how they can contribute to your business.


A homepage website helps customers get to know what your business is about. It focuses on a clear navigation layout and information sharing. While it can come in many forms, the primary purpose is to educate visitors about what you do and gain their attention. Furthermore, it helps them get to other sections of the website.

When designing a homepage, it is best to use a minimalistic design. Too many colors and elements can quickly grab too much attention, shifting the focus from the more essential things.


An e-commerce website is the best channel for making online sales. If your business is selling products online, this is what you want. With e-commerce websites, it all comes down to the product display. You need a concise catalog with all information. Furthermore, the shopping cart options also play a crucial role here. Depending on how you are selling products, you might need a currency converter, an option to calculate taxes and shipping, and so on.

A girl visiting an e-commerce website on a mobile phone
E-commerce websites also need to be optimized for mobile phones.

A crucial thing about e-commerce websites is that they should not be confusing to the buyer in any way. For example, a complex signup process or the lack of credit card security will turn them away. If they cannot clearly navigate the website, they will go elsewhere. Consulting a design expert is wise in this case because they will help you not make any mistakes with the website layout.

Magazine websites

Welcome to the world of beautiful photos and photo galleries. The entire layout of a magazine website needs to focus on the quick display of high-quality images. Photo galleries require interesting transitions and display options. That’s why it’s all about the framework of your website. Since the photos will be the main actor here, you need to make them shine above everything else.

Portfolio websites

Whatever your line of work is, if you are a creative professional trying to show your skills and find work, you need a portfolio website. The purpose of this type is to showcase your abilities. Focus on your best projects, and let your customers see what you can do. You also need a good contact page to communicate with potential clients.


Blog websites are probably the most popular type of websites today. This is what every writer needs. Since the primary purpose here is to let visitors read articles, it all comes down to presenting the text clearly. Furthermore, you should focus on finding the right font for your website.


A person writing an article for a blog.
Out of all website types, a blog is the most popular form of all.

Another crucial element is using images in the right way. Endless walls of text can sometimes be boring, so break them up with a few captivating pictures that contribute to the overall story.

Landing pages

This type of website is for you if you need your clients to take action. Landing pages also focus on minimalistic design because all attention needs to be directed towards the Call-To-Action button. This is the most efficient type to use for a marketing campaign. Remember that the website should not be boring but engaging.

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Contact pages and directories

If your company connects clients with other businesses, you need a contact website or a directory. A good example is TripAdvisor. The idea is to present a repository of other businesses and have a way to give them a grade. You need to direct visitors to the best service provider. Thus, focus on displaying enough information so they can make an informed decision. If the directory type of website is the best choice for you, you also need a comments system that allows visitors to share their experiences.

Social media websites

The social media type of website is right for your business if you need to tend to a considerable subscriber or follower base. Social media platforms are home to almost 3 billion people. Therefore, it is crucial to know what platforms your clients mostly use and design your website using the same layout and colors. It needs to resemble something familiar. Furthermore, when creating content, you need to add options to share it on social media. This is why they are here.

Types of websites and their purpose

Let’s outline what the main types of websites are and what purpose hides behind the design:

  • homepages – mainly used by brands but other businesses as well. The idea is to let the visitors learn about who you are and what you do;
  • e-commerce – sell products to customers;
  • magazine websites – focus on image display;
  • portfolio websites – perfect for showing your projects and skills to find clients;
  • blogs – for people who want to share articles;
  • landing pages – for marketing campaigns that utilize CTA buttons to get visitors to take action;
  • contact pages/directories – to display a repository of businesses your clients might need;
  • social media websites – they focus on creating shareable social media content;
A sketch of a website layout that includes video thumbnails.
Different business purposes require different website layouts and elements.

What type of website is right for your business – explained!

Hopefully, you now understand what type of website is right for your business. Keep in mind that your business might require a mix of 2 or 3 different layouts. If that is the case, do not focus on just one type; mix them, and create a unique experience for your customers.

Unpacking businesses and then creating elegant digital solutions is a passion. I actually can’t help myself at times, analysing people’s business and creating answers to questions they have not even asked.

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