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Positive impact of digital marketing on start-up businesses

by | Jun 1, 2016 | Digital Media, Online Marketing, Social Media | 0 comments

There are many different ways of marketing on the internet, and with the ever-changing online world, we are always close to our laptops and smartphones to get the latest news.In a super-connected world, the news does not reach us through traditional channels.  Instead, when a plane crashes, politician falters or global car manufacturer falsifies emission reports, we still find out.When the content is of a high enough value to the majority of people, the following statement is true: Online marketing is the future.

  • News stations and advertising agencies leverage social networks such as Twitter, Periscope, and Facebook to link us to the latest news topics. When the story is sensational enough, users who see it first may share it with their friends and followers, it spreads on its own.
  • Through social media networking, website engagement, email marketing, search engine optimization, Google map marketing, promotion campaigns and blog marketing; you can reach a many people from all walks of life, all over the globe. The limit of the reach that your message gets is only really limited by you (the creator of the content)
  • With more than 1000 social networks worldwide, some mainstream others not as much, there is a change in the marketing game that has taken hold.
  • Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat, and Periscope were launched and gained massive followings with a ‘Freemium’ model and offer premium (paid) value add services or enhanced access to these, now massive networks.

Many companies we have worked with in the past understand the power of trending on Twitter, particularly when a new product, service or campaign is being launched. As a company we have successfully gotten over 85% of our hashtags to trend over the past 3 years, all our hashtags trend locally and nationally, by only using generic content and a focused team. Online marketing should be a part of your business plan.

On Wednesday, 25 May 2016, Insideman had a Periscope session with Zachariah George, CEO of Cactus Advisors, hosted by Diana Mjojo, at the King James Group. We kept our focus on answering questions to why start-ups fail within 1001 days of business and why planning is important for any entrepreneur.

We uncovered the basic importance of planning. According to The Santam Start-Up Survey, most entrepreneurs said that their pre-planning took less than 6 months, and finances were seen as the biggest challenge during this initial phase.

From idea, to plan, to implementation. When compiling a business plan, the following may play a pivotal role (in no particular order):

  1. Marketing strategy (traditional and online marketing),
  2. Competitor/ influencer review,
  3. Financial planning,
  4. Development system,
  5. Supplier negotiations,
  6. Geo-location,
  7. Market research
  8. Development strategy
  9. SWOT Analysis
  10. And various related resources that your business may require.

planningPlanning is extremely important, it doesn’t matter what business you’re in… Success is where planning meets opportunity” – Nelisiwe Masango, Bear Run Investments.

It’s pretty simple, in fact, you are reading this because of an online marketing plan.

Online marketing is a psychological funnel from the marketer to the audience. It flows from one topic to another in an instant, from a business’s research, and deliverance, to the listener’s inner excitement.

The content you deliver should at all times be relevant, newsworthy, catchy or evergreen.

When your content is inspiring enough to get the listener to stay longer on your page, blog, website or social network, you will be able to direct your product to the consumer without directing them to a sales page or a services page. The potential consumer may pick up the phone and call, or send you a message via social media.

Through online marketing, it is important to have a strong social media, website, and advertising presence. For instance, entrepreneurs such as Gary Vaynerchuk or Jeff Bullas are Digital Media moguls who leverage the power of the blog, video marketing, and many more marketing tactics to get more business.

Every week I receive a newsletter from Gary Vaynerchuk, and every week I read it. Now, imagine how many people receive the same email, and how many people get on the phone and buy whatever it is that he is selling? Of course, it is part of an online marketing strategy, you have got to have a marketing plan for your business.

Planning image

Successful businesses practice the process of planning, adapting and implementing. How is your business plan coming along?

Need help? Let InsideMan Digital Media assist in any way possible.


Unpacking businesses and then creating elegant digital solutions is a passion. I actually can’t help myself at times, analysing people’s business and creating answers to questions they have not even asked.

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